ジーンズの聖地 KojimaでオンリーワンのDenimメーカー
The only one of Denim manufacturer in Kojima
In Kurashiki city of Kojima, which attracts jeans fans all over the world, Showa is the only manufacturer of denim who has full production line of dyeing, weaving and finishing(washing). Showa is a Japanese company with all the employees Japanese. We produce cotton fabrics for clothing such as denim and dungaree, double gauze and doby cloth. We also use cashmere, silk, wool and linen yarns to give inspiration to people around the world. Our technology is recognized worldwide at the world's best textile trading fair "Premiere Vision" to be held in Paris, France, and Showa’s wool denim is awarded "Handle Prize” at the first PV award from among 100,000 entries entitled.

Eco Friendly 肌へのやさしさを何よりも大切にしたい
Eco Friendly. We want to cherish the gentleness to the skin more than anything.
While sustainability and traceability are required, we focus on the development of ecological products with the concept of "recycling", "organic" and "natural dyeing" at Showa. Even if it is said that it is "not usable because it is expensive", as a textile manufacturer in Japan, we stick to raw materials that do not cause skin troubles by using harmful chemicals, or stress the global environment. We will continue to provide safe and secure cloth by repeating a number of tests. Now is a disposable era!, because it is cheap and bored, thrown away. But even if it is a bit expensive, we wear carefully for years and we are satisfied whenever we wear - we think true eco life means such way of life

「着る人の心を幸せにしたい」それが私たちの”ものづくり”の原点。着る人の心を豊かにするテキスタイル創りに徹して行けば、きっとお客様に満足していただけると考え、私たちは常に着る人の笑顔を思い浮かべながら、テキスタイル創りを行なっています。ショーワの強みは、素材・デザイン・品質 すべてのクオリティが高いこと。コストや生産量では中国や東南アジアには勝てませんが、ひとつひとつ丁寧に、生地の風合い・肌ざわり・耐久性にとことんこだわった”ものづくり”に取り組んでいます。テキスタイルの一貫生産が出来る設備を持つショーワは、オリジナルの生地企画でお客様に驚きと感動を提供できる様、日々、挑戦を続けています。
A new discovery that makes a person wearing happy.
Impression that is not yet in the world.
"We want to make the heart of the wearing person happy" That is the starting point of our "making things". We believe that we are surely satisfied with our customers by continuing to devote them to creating textiles enriching the minds of people wearing and we are constantly making textiles while thinking about the smiling face of the person wearing them. Showa's strength is that the quality of all materials, designs and fabrics is high. Although we can not win China or Southeast Asia in terms of cost and production volume, we carefully stick to "manufacturing" enthusiasing to the texture, touch and durability of the fabric one by one carefully. With the facilities that can make integrated production of textiles, Showa continues to challenge everyday, so that we can provide customers with surprises and emotions with original fabric projects.